Tuesday, October 26, 2010

New Computer

One week after my dog Murphy went to heaven, my computer went to where ever dead computers go. I lost a lot of important stuff like my good Blogger friend's Blog addresses. So, could all of my Blogger friends please send me their Blog addresses?



At 9:47 PM, Blogger Diana said...

When my computer died, the hard drive was still ok. So I bought a thing to put the hard drive in, and I can get all my stuff off of it. Then I can use it as an external hard drive backup thingy.


At 5:48 AM, Blogger sally said...

It was just my screen that died, so I guess I could do what you did, but I don't have a clue how to do it. = )

At 1:30 PM, Blogger Barbara and Ron said...

Whoa, scary. I just know mine is going to go one of these days - it's over five years old and getting tired.


At 7:02 PM, Blogger Hundewanderer said...

Before you send the old computer to computer heaven, let PJ have it, he can retrieve all your information and put it on to your new computer. We'll be home in a few days.

At 4:30 AM, Blogger sally said...

Thanks Laura, but I have a guy coming over to do all that. He's going to install a door for me and I'm going to give him the computer as patial payment.

At 6:23 PM, Blogger Hundewanderer said...

Hi Sally, I may not have phrased that right... I didn't mean to literally give PJ your old computer, just let him have it long enough that he could pull your data off it and put it on your new computer. But, it sounds like you have it taken care of. As long as you get your data, that's all that matters :) Your home (and RV) improvement stuff is awesome, you and your mom are hard working women! Can you come fix my washing machine? Just kidding :)

At 4:34 AM, Blogger sally said...

No problem, Laura. But I mignt have given it to PJ just to get rid of it. = ) I'm really liking my new one. I miss you guys!!!


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