The Agony and the Argosy continues...
We hired Jim to do the hard stuff. The new bathroom floor is just about ready to be screwed down. But first I have to clean the rusty metal underneath the new floor, then paint it with rust inhibitor paint.

Meanwhile, Mom and I prep and paint the front PVC end cap that used to be off-white but turned kind of an orange color through the years. Just to the right of Mom's hand you can get an idea of what color it used to be. That little section of off-white has been covered by trim caps.

Here's the little end cap trim pieces. I painted them first, sort of a trial run.

I sprayed on 2 coats of Krylon Fusion paint. The end cap needs one more coat. Then it will be almost perfect. Almost.

Meanwhile back at the house, here's my new guestroom bed. It was almost free. Now I need some new bedding worthy of the new headboard and matching foot board.

Here's Little Annie, napping. She seems to be pretty happy being an only dog. I miss Murphy. Annie likes having me all to herself. It's been almost 20 years since I've been a one-dog dog mom. But Annie and I both agree that a one-dog house at this time is probably a good thing.
Glad Annie's doing okay. I was thinking I should have asked about her. Great job on the painting.
It looks like you and your mom are keeping busy. You are the best with 'projects'.
Your Argosy is coming along very well, as usual you are being very meticulous.
Is the bed wrought Iron? it looks very ornate.
I'm glad to hear you and Annie are doing well
I'm finding lots of scary stuff on the Argosy, like rust and rotted metal frame and leaks when it rains. Lots of caulking to do!!
I don't think the bed is wrought iron, just tubular metal.
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