So long Salida
Before I left Salida, CO I went on one last ride - A 200 mile loop which took me north to Fairplay where a motorcycle rally was going on and where I bought a pair of riding glasses to replace the ones I left in Arizona and miss a lot. Then I continued north up Hwy 9 up and over Hoosier Pass. Some bicycle riders where stopped by the sign and offered to take my picture. I continued on up to Frisco where I caught Interstate 70 and headed west a short distance to Hwy 91. I took 91 south up and over 11,318' Fremont Pass, which I didn't get a picture of. I rode through Leadville and checked out the local Elk's Lodge. About 18 miles south of Leadville I turned right off the hwy. to check out the free camping situation at Clear Creek Reservoir. My camping neighbors at Salida were heading there in a few days and invited me to join them. I didn't like the dirt road going to the camping area. Plus, a few days after Jerry and Terry arrived there they called to inform me that the mosquitoes were really bad. Meanwhile back on the hwy... I cruised through Buena Vista, also known as B.V. or Boonie. Don't ask me why!!! Boonie is a cute town where scattered around the town are old, small white-water kayaks recycled into flower planters. I should have stopped and taken a few pictures, but I didn't. They were really cute.

One evening when it was just getting dark this little rig came in looking for a spot to camp for the night. The man driving it had a stroke several years back, but didn't want to give up riding a motorcycle. He found this three-wheeled bike with a steering wheel and automatic transmission. The back end of the trailer has a cooking area and the inside has cozy sleeping quarters. He's from Kansas and just decided to head to Colorado for a few days.

Finally my water heater was working well with it's new pilot assembly and gas valve, and my mail finally arrived, so it was time to move to greener pastures. Or should I say higher elevations. I had spent several days deciding where to go and finally decided on 10,200' Leadville. I'm staying at the Elk's Lodge which is just a block from the old historic downtown and across the street from the High Mountain Pie shop. = ) Leadville has a lot of charm, but not much oxygen!!
I have one bike ride planned, for Friday - a 200 mile loop to Glenwood Springs via Aspen, then Hwy 70 east to Hwy 24 which will take me south back to Leadville.
I love this area you are headed to in fact my sister lives there and has for 20+ years...she is in Basalt area (between Snowmass and Glenwood Spr) but works in Meredith which is a beautiful drive along the Frying Pan Rv. Thats a sweet tear drop camper-
Sounds like fun! Stay from those mosquitoes though. BTW- if your propane appliances get funky, it is probably the elevation.
Beautiful area! Have a great time - hope you're going to meet up with us sometime. How's the fridge doing? Did I miss the conclusion to that problem?
Leadville is interesting, but I really can't breathe there. Have fun.
Lucky you :) Happy travels :)
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