Thursday, October 16, 2008

New Mexico to Arizona

I left the Balloon Fiesta RV Park Friday afternoon and headed to the Sandia Peak Casino, about 2 miles away. I spent one quiet night there. Saturday I made it all the way to the Isleta Casino about 19 miles south from Sandia Peak Casino. Sunday I drove approximately 280 miles from Isleta to Lordsburg, NM and spent the night at a Visitors Center/Rest Stop. Monday morning I continued on my route and ended up at my destination of Bisbee, AZ. It was good to be back in Arizona. I left Sun City, AZ 5 months ago, on May 15Th. I knew I was back in AZ when I saw a US Border Patrol vehicle on the side of the road with approximately 20 Illegal Aliens sitting on the ground next to the vehicle. I guess our failing economy isn't stopping the flow of Illegal Aliens from coming into our country. I'll be spending 6 nights in Bisbee with Patriots' Border Alliance, observing and reporting Illegal Aliens to the US Border Patrol.


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