Saturday, June 14, 2008

A few more pictures from my stay... La Barge, Sublette County, Wyoming

From what I understand, first they drill down with this rig....

...then this equipment pumps natural gas out of the ground. The area has been enjoying a drilling boom for several years.

There's my trailer, on the banks of the Green River.

These guys woke me up early one morning.

When I shooed them away, they didn't go very far, just to the other side of my rig. Murphy actually came nose to nose with the guy on the left. Of course I missed taking a picture of that.

A few more of my neighbors.


At 4:21 PM, Blogger Barbara and Ron said...

Those are some ominous-looking clouds. Remember when we saw the pelicans fishing in a circle on Ennis Lake? I still tell everybody about that.

At 7:48 AM, Blogger sally said...

These WY pelicans are pretty entertaining too. Maybe they came down from MT. HMMMMM!!!

At 6:36 AM, Blogger Diana said...

That looks like a gorgeous spot. Where is the rest of the group?

At 4:14 PM, Blogger sally said...

The rest of the group was at the south end of the reservoir, with very poor phone service.


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