Portland to Astoria to Long Beach, WA
I climbed up the 165 steps to the top of the Astoria, OR Column
A shot of the Astoria Bridge, taken from the top of the Column
A shot looking down the 165 steps spiral staircase (see my boots)
A shot looking up the spiral staircase
Then I continued up the coast to Long Beach, WA. Long Beach is famous for it's annual Kite Festival, coming up later this month, and the World Famous Kite Museum.
A shot from the Long Beach 4/10 mile long boardwalk
This is the restaurant where I enjoyed a cup of Clam Chowder while enjoying the company of two fellow motorcycle riders I met along my journey. One of the fellows attended a neighboring, rival High School of mine in Southern California. He was a few years behind me. Tom and Allan are still up there in the far left window of the protruding restaurant section.
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